from 10- 90 knots and be up to 2000 ft. in the air. And they are extremely hard to hit. I could not find any pictures of them but I found a few articles, and I am sorry to say that you can no longer make these ships due to a patch. I could not find any pictures, I will keep looking but surprisingly I found a video!
Click on the link
Flying Ship Video Then watch.
What else is known by flying ships is the fact
that they all have some sort of wings And
have two parts. These parts consist of a
bottom that is actually a submarine, and
a top that is floating and is the plane.
These ships actually use torpedoes on the
top on the plane part and they will put
underwater torpedoes on the sub part,
you can Defeat these ships by shooting
the sub with an anti sub bomb or you
can shoot the ship inn the sky. But people
find that very difficult, but the trick is to shoot
below the plane due to the fact with your
high arch guns will shoot up more and hit
the plane. Planes in battleship craft are
unbelievable and extremely rare. They
are also becoming More and more rare
considering they continue to
patch their game. Planes are a Secretive
topic in battleship craft and we will continue
to learn more each day.